Ernst Seiler

Who'sWho in the World 32nd Edition 2015

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SEILER, ERNST FRIEDRICH, pianist; b.Munich, June 9, 1934; arrived in Japan, 1961; s.Johannes and Charlotte (Springer) S.; m.Mie Ogiso, Sept.16, 1959 (div.Mar.1976); children: Yuri, Naomi, Mayumi, Midori; m.Kazuko Masada, Mar.3, 1976; children: Kio, Oto. Diploma, Juilliard Sch. Music, 1959, Postgrad. Diploma, 1960. Prof. Kobe(Japan) Coll., 1961-67; head prof. City Music Coll., Kyoto, Japan, 1961-67; lehrauftrag Mozarteum, Salzburg, Austria, 1968-72; prof. Bunri Univ., Tokushima, Japan, 1974-96, Senzoku Univ., Tokyo, 1983-85. Adv. Yamaha Music Found., Tokyo, 1961-68; Chmn.Kayabuki Ongaku-do Competition for Piano Duet, Japan, 1998, 00, 02, 04, 06, 08, 10, 12,14.

Co-author: Seiko-Uso, 1992 ; CDs include Encores from Kayabuki, 1994, The Seasons of Japan, 1995, The Seiler Piano Duo Live, 1998, Sounds of Nature, 2003, Longing for Spring, 2005, Humorosques Etc., 2007, Orpheus, 2007, Die Blaue Blume, 2009. Bd. dirs. Kyoto Prefecture Internat. Ctr., Kyoto, 1996-. Recipient 1st prize Colony Club, 1959, Disting. Svcs. award Hiyoshi County, Japan, 1995, Kyoto Prefecture, 1995, Disting. Svcs. award, Japan, 1997, prize Omron Corp., 2003, Disting. Cultural Merit award, 2012, Grand Kyoto Creativity prize, 2012. Mem. Piano Instrs. Assn., Japan Piano Tchrs. Assn. (founding mem.), Juilliard Alumni Assn. Avocations: farming, collecting music.

Kazuko Seiler

Kazuko Seiler was born in Kyoto. Early training in piano and voice. After graduating from the Toho Music School for Performers she entered the Staatliche Hochschule fuer Musik und Darstellende Kunst 'Mozarteum' at Salzburg, Austria. During her studies there she was active performing in Europe, as in the summer schools at Salzburg and Estoril, Portugal. After numerous appearances as a soloist she married Ernst Seiler and became part of the Seiler Piano Duo, performing all over the world. She also is active as a writer, in TV appearances and as a recording artist.

The Seiler Piano Duo
The Seiler Piano Duo