Reviews from abroad
Drew a large audience for a complete traversal of Bach`s monumental valedictory work, The Art of the Fugue is a work, whose grandeur should be expressed through powerful, resonant sonorities. ..The effect of this was truly stirring.. The Seilers have fine, fluent techniques and a seriousness of bearing that corresponded to the task at hand. One does not go to the “Art of the Fugue” as to an ordinary concert program, expecting elements of variety and balance, noting felicities of nuance and detail. Rather one expects some sort of confrontation with the substance of a great work, and the character of that confrontation may ultimately depend more on the work and what the listener has brought along than on the medium of the performers. The Seilers performance was on a level that permitted such an experience, and perhaps that is the only thing that needs to be said.
【NY Times/Will Crutchfield】
Ambrosial piano tone and captivation Japanese precision overflowing with German romanticism taken to its outermost limits.
【Munich, Germany/Westost Kurier】
A piano duo recital astonishing in its perfectly melded precision. Clearly the fruit of many years together as a piano duo, this exquisite performance was of the rere world where only masters of their art dwell.
A passionate, profoundly moving evening…
【Austria/Voecklabruck Wochenspiegel】
The Seiler Piano Duo…husband and wife married in life and art, two souls bound together as one mind, two pianos melded into one…
【Germany/Vlotho Tageblatt】
A superbly balanced, lyrical recital…a musical and richly expressive performance which created a lasting impression…
【Hong Kong/South China Morning Post】
concert encounter of the highest order
【Bulletin Today, Manila】
exemplary articulation...refreshing look at a piece
【Bangkok Post】
an evening of rich luster ..will reverberate in the memory for a long time
【Westfalen Blatt】
The Seiler Duo: a musical happening of the first order
【Neue Westfalische】
Romantic absorption-Japanese precision ..simply deserves an ..excellent
【Suedost Kurier, Munich】
magic in sound..stupendos dexterity
【Freisinger Neueste Nachrichten】
technically honed to perfection
【Freisinger Tageblatt】
the art of expression honed to perfection
【Kieler Nachrichten】
a grand interpretation in which simply everything was right
【Westfaelische Rundschau】
Reviews from Japan
These two musicians display an extremely well-conceived balance of sound; however trifling the phrase, we are made aware of the motifs forming the structure of the musical composition, and that is what makes us feel the power of the music…so much beauty is intoxicating.
【Tokyo Cultural Hall/Musica Nova, 1988】
The precision of this ensemble draws a true picture of Brahm’s musical intent.
【Tokyo Cultural Hall/Ongaku no Tomo, 1988】
Harmonious from start to finish, a truly grand, first-class performance overflowing the love of music…
【Tokyo Kioi Hall/Ongaku no Tomo, 1995】
A skillful balance of sound and melody…with their breathing and playing together as one, the listener almost forgets that there are two people performing.
【Tokyo Kioi Hall/Ongaku Junpo, 1995】
Conveyed to the listener was the work’s profound sense of longing…a performance of intense concentration. The Seiler Piano Duo deserves the highest praise for actualizing their plentiful ideas.
【Tokyo Suntory Hall/Ongaku no Tomo, 1998】
the peculiarites of Paul Hindemith's style of composition were very clearly expressed by four hands. In the Rachmaninoff pieces it became obvious, why this Duo wins critical acclaim in foreign countries as well. There was a mutual feeling of closeness between performers, audience and music throughout the entire performance. An experience on a very high level.
【Musica Nova】
solid, rich, voluminous tone, passionate perfomance
【On Stage, Tokyo】
very exciting performance first rate artists
【Musica Nova, Japan】
The Seiler Duo understands the art of spaciousness: breadth of background and an unimagined depth of the piano, they show this in large tableaux of sound.
【Mainichi Shinbun Mr. Takashi Takimoto, Kyoto】
In Kyoto, the old city of the arts, the Seiler Duo shows us, time and again, the pure beauty of music.
【Kyoto Shinbun Mr. Hiroshi Hosokawa】